Big Energy Saving Week 2020

The Big Energy Saving Week Campaign (20th - 26th January) run by Citizens Advice Scotland in partnership with Home Energy Scotland aims to tackle fuel poverty in Scotland and is an annual opportunity for NairnCAB to raise awareness locally, to help people understand their energy use, cut their bills and gain access to financial support they are entitled to whilst empowering people to save time, money and energy.
Statistics reveal that:
26% of private rented homes in Scotland are in fuel poverty
25% of all Scottish household are in Fuel poverty (Ofgem State of Energy Market 2019)
Nearly 300,000 homes use electricity as their primary source of heat with many consumers using this fuel type living in fuel poverty (Scottish Household Survey 2018)
In 2018/19 The Citizens Advice Network in Scotland
- Has gained £1.3 million in savings to people who came to the network with an energy-related issues.
- £232 is the average saving per case
- Iissued over 37,000 pieces of advice given on energy issues.
NairnCAB are having an advice and information session at the CO-OP Tues 21st Jan 11am-2pm and The Community Centre Thurs 23rd Jan 11am - 2pm (see event poster below)